I'm totally aware of the policy that Beatstars has set forth by automatically removing exclusive sales / purchases of work, but I request this to be changed.
Currently if someone purchases derivative material w/ exclusive rights, that material is removed from the original content holder (from Beatstars basically).
Instead I would like for Beatstars to not remove the work, but change the original track into a "SONG" with no option of a lease while also providing something in the title like SOLD and/ or something similar.
I want this ability to provide users who just want to listen to the original content a basis to do so. It's basically still marketing your brand.
Exclusive rights and/ or contracts aside, I can still allow users to listen to my original work as I don't sell the rights to the original work, but the exclusive rights to use it (w/ vocals). I still own and/ or maintain all ownership of the material.
Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately at this time, it is a policy on BeatStars that you cannot list exclusively sold items on the platform. We may look into this in the future.