I would like to share directly to Instagram stories.
Similar to Spotify, SoundCloud and YouTube Music, how you can share to Instagram stories from the platform and gives Instagram users a window to click straight to the content.
Please add a feature where we can limit how many times someone can stream a track before having to purchase it sort of the same way you can't play spotify or apple music if you dont have subscriptions. We should be able to enable that setting the ...
When artists utilize Free Downloads- They use fake emails and names. My request is that the email they input MUST be real/valid. The beat must be sent to their real email.
We need a Delete button for old Lyrics that we dont need anymore
my lyrics list is getting fuller everyday and i want to delete old lyrics that i already record, that button is really important, it can be on the 3 points menu in every lyrics, just a delete lyrics button with a confirmation, that it.
After checking with you, today it is not possible to download a photo that I uploaded, I request that it be possible to download a photo as well as any file that I uploaded with this track or STEM, another thing I would like to be able to edit and...
Take Out Beatstars Marketplace Compresser / Volume Reducer - Skidot
Listening to your beats on the marketplace, there is a noticeable difference between how they sound there and how they sound on your propage and everywhere else. I do believe there is some type of component on the beatstars website that reduces th...
tommy sutkowski
7 months ago
in General Request
Contact Support Team
An on or off for the beat stars tag that plays during a song
In my opinion, working with producers and being one myself, its very easy to remove the beatstars tag from a song using so many ways but we know them. the tihing is Iveuploaded my own taggen version but the beatstars still play over it. TBH we nee...
4 months ago
in General Request
Contact Support Team
Hi can there be a new feature for the mobile app where if you click on a beat in your notifications, when you press the next button (while listening to that beat) you will play the next beat in the notifications list? Right now when you press next...