Please add a feature where we can limit how many times someone can stream a track before having to purchase it sort of the same way you can't play spotify or apple music if you dont have subscriptions. We should be able to enable that setting the same way we enable different licenses and how many times it can be streamed before being locked. I find that users are playing my tracks a lot of times and spamming plays which throws off my analytics when I'm trying to see which tracks are performing well stream wise so I can double down on that niche/style. I think other creators would like to see a block user / limit plays on tracks as well as blacklisting users that can be proven to have stolen/ used tracks without fair use.
Thank you for reaching out with your suggestion.
This is a very intriguing concept—having the ability to block or limit the number of times a track can be streamed. While this isn’t something we’ve considered before, we will certainly discuss it further with our internal teams to evaluate its potential value to the community.
We truly appreciate you taking the time to share your ideas with us. Your feedback is always valued and helps us explore new ways to enhance our platform.
Thanks again!