I would really like the Lupus Foundation added to Beats4love my mother died from Lupus and that illness destroyed my entire family. I’d like to be able to donate to that cause cause my mother will never get to see a second of my success and I don’t want anyone else to know what that’s like.
First and foremost, please accept our heartfelt condolences for the loss of your mother. Your courage in channelling your grief into a cause to support others facing similar challenges is truly commendable.
We deeply empathize with your desire to contribute to the Lupus Foundation and are grateful that you've brought this to our attention. We understand the significance of raising awareness and providing support to those affected, and we are committed to exploring ways to incorporate charitable donations into our platform.
While we currently do not have a direct partnership with the Lupus Foundation, we may investigate the possibility of adding them as a supported charity within Beats4Love.
We wish you the best!