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Categories BeatStars Studio
Created by Tetsujiro Ikenaga
Created on Jun 26, 2024

About the titles of the preview audio samples in the Sound Kit

Currently, the title of the sound kit preview audio sample is registered as the file title.

This cannot be edited after upload.

It is also not currently possible to delete a file, edit the title as desired, and then re-upload the file.

I would like to be able to edit the title, or be able to re-upload the file, or both.

  • Admin
    Lee Owen
    Jul 1, 2024

    Thank you for reaching out with your suggestion.

    We certainly see the value in being able to edit the title of your preview files and having the ability to delete them if needed. We will look into this and consider adding these features for sound kits in the future.

    Thanks again for your valuable input.