there's a gap between the limited genre options when uploading tracks (11 genres) and the broader selection for users (+/- 40 genres). This mismatch often leads to mixed search results, which could be frustrating for users. For example, I upload indie type beats. When uploading them, I can't select the genre 'indie'. When you filter for an indie type beat on the platform, the first results would be a post malone and juice wrld type bea
Thank you for adding more context to your request.
Upon looking at your screenshots, I can see that you are utilizing the Marketplace platform to upload your content. We have built a new content creation flow within BeatStars Studio that some users have access to, but not all users at this time, as it is still in a beta mode of sorts. We plan to migrate all users to this platform in the future, we are just making some improvements before we do so.
Within BeatStars Studio, there are some new genres to select from and "Indie" is one of those.
It is possible to be migrated to utilize BeatStars Studio if you wish. Please contact our support team at to enquire about being migrated.
I hope this helps!
This is what users can filter on*:
@Lee Owen
As you can see in the screenshots, users on the marketplace can filter by 'indie,' but I'm unable to select it as the primary genre when uploading a beat. The issue is that when uploading a beat, you're required to choose a genre. I understand that there are subgenres available, but these do not match the filters of the users on the marketplace either. Imagine you're a user currently searching for indie beats on the BeatStars marketplace. What's happening is that most of the results have nothing to do with indie at all. Right now, those first results include Juice WRLD or Post Malone type beats, along with a couple of advertisements. I understand that you can add hashtags and include the word "indie" in the title of your beat. However, by being forced to select the wrong genre, you're already ensuring that a portion of the metadata is incorrect. And 'indie' is only one of the many examples!
Thank you for your comment and suggestion. We would love to understand a bit more about these extended filters that you wish to see for uploading.
Could you kindly explain in more detail which filters you would like to see and mention how they will help you and others?
Thanks again!