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Status Planned
Created by Brandon Chapa
Created on Feb 20, 2024

Updates For Kit Creators

1. Sound Kit Advertising - this would of course help your producer customer base reach the right audience when selling their soundkits while still using beatstars. How would it work if implemented? A option for sound kits in the promotion set up section would be great and also allow us to choose which kit or multiple kits.

2. Longer Soundkit Descriptions - dont know why this was shortened but 500 letters isnt enough to explain whats inside our kits and what they will get and why its a good option.

3.Soundkits on Sale - This will help your producer customer base show love to their customers as well as just the option to make a great deal for soundkit products.
How should it work? It'd be nice if there was a sale option box so that when the customer sees the prodcut the original price will be crossed out and the sale price will be a bit bigger and maybe a different color. A time frame option would be nice too, maybe a count down when enabled would be fancy lol.

4.Kit description - the Youtube link Embed when you click save (Old way of adding youtube links) - Just saying it was nice and simple to just post the youtube link in description and it was there after you hit save.

  • Admin
    Lee Owen
    Mar 27, 2024

    Thank you for your comments and suggestions. We have plans to improve our current Sound Kit feature which will include the ability to promote Sound Kits and so on. More news to come soon!