Hello, im very in need to be able to seach tracks on website by name trough only my playlists. Can ur developers create such an option? Because i download many tracks to listen on laptop and create many folders to choose i liked the most. I save them on website in my playlists also. which are many too. but to listen on website its not much convenient. So when im ready to purchase exact track, i check its name and coming back to website to find in which my list it was saved, but manually its dificult, and to search by only name on website - it shows hundreds tracks with same name, so its hard too to play each to find which one im looking for. Or make option at least when beat downloaded, to it would be saving not only with beat name but also with name of producer. which at least makes it little easier to find that track among many others with same name.
Thank you for your suggestion, this is great! We will look to consider adding a way to find tracks easier via your created playlists.