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Created by ☀Rei! Muziq♫
Created on Feb 7, 2023

Crypto Payment Integrations (& more)

Greetings Beatstars & Beatstars Community🖖🏾👽,

A few ideas & opportunities come to mind when mentioning blockchain technology, crypto-currency, & the decentralized web (web 3.0).

  1. Accepting Cryptocurrency Payments: Updating Beatstars pro-pages/web-stores to be able to accept crypto-currency token payments (BTC, ETH, LTC, MATIC, CRO, ONE, ADA, etc)

  2. NFT Marketplace: A beat-based NFT Marketplace. Beatstars already has a marketplace, so with the community already being there there's possibility for Beatstars becoming the beat specific niched version of OpenSea.

  3. Beatstars Crypto-Currency Token: Going hand & hand with a dominating NFT marketplace; creating a Beatstars crypto-currency token would become very useful for Beatstars & all of it's producers + artists through the process of every transaction (& more). This would also create the possibility of the Beatstars marketplace becoming a streaming platform that can pay artists & producers Beatstars tokens for stream plays, task completions assigned by Beatstars, & more (similar to Audius & their AUDIO-coin token).

  4. Crypto Wallet: complimentary to a currency-token & NFT marketplace is a crypto-currency wallet to hold said NFTs & tokens, as well as a variety of other opportunistic possibilities.

  5. Web Decentralization (Web 3.0/dweb): This option would become useful in the sense that the beats on Beatstars database would become more secure & chance of a backup failure disaster due to the fact that the database is back-up to multiple hosting points (less chance of outages).

  6. Blockchain Technology: An advanced step with web decentralization would be either creating a Beatstars Blockchain base, or integrating with an existing thriving blockchain that compliments the Beatstars mission & vision & is willing to collaborate on ideas to better both parties (which is probably the more efficient option).

  7. Metaverse: Lastly, metaverse. It'd be wild if there was a Beatstars metaverse available that was 3D. This could pose the opportunity of artist, producers & fans being able to interact online within the community in ways they've never been able to before. This would allow the community to build a Beatstars online universe which enables the community to build fully functional: recording/music production studios (allowing artist to record at a producers online recording studio. It'd be possible to have a producer in New Zealand, an audio-engineer in France, a recording engineer in Germany, & a recording artist in Canada to be present among each other virtually for a recording/production session; simultaneously developing the collaborative project together), music broadcasting radio-stations (available to fans to stream with the interactions of producers & artists. Also, enables the abilities of: conducting interviews/podcasts + integrating DJ-VJ performances; enabling Virtual DJ, Serato, &/or other DJ software collabs with Beatstars), radio freestyles (like Funkmaster Flex, Swae in the Morning or Timwestwood), music performance venues (free from covid-19 restrictions, also allowing specific fans wouldn't normal attend a concert to enjoy a concert/show. could eventually become accessible via MetaQuest or alternative VR options. A Vaudeville Resurrection could take place; referring to how performances took place back before radio was invented to dismantle individual performance. Individuals would band together to split on the cost of a stage, & go from town to town performing a cluster of acts to break-free from the industrial revolutionized work oppressions), avatar character creations & virtual wearable fashion designs (ex: avatars, or TAFI avatars; allowing artists & producers to be creative with how they want to be seen in an online virtual reality music scene. Avatar wearable items would be NFTs ranked based on it's rarity. Ex: Beatstars hoodies, & other items that are available as merchandise in real-life). Many opportunities could result as an outcome of creating or integrating with an existing thriving metaverse (ex: Audius integrated with Decentraland & created a radio-broadcast station in 2021).

These ideas are based on the newly thriving technologies of tomorrow that are causing a unignorable impact on the internet; creating positive change for the internet-based independent creators, more specifically, the music creators community. Tomorrow is Today, Today is yesterday. Beatstars has already made history in the music industry so this is an insight offering of my perspective at an attempt the continuation of Beatstars' position as a dominating force in the rapidly accelerating world of internet technology in tomorrows to come.

Thank you for your time & energy; looking forward to the bright future of Beatstars✓

  • Admin
    Lee Owen
    Mar 21, 2024

    Thank you for your suggestion. We do have plans in motion to introduce more payment options. More news to come soon