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Status Planned
Categories BeatStars Studio
Created by Matías Perrée
Created on Feb 7, 2023

beatmakers' managers to upload beats

It would be great if there was a way for beatmakers' managers to upload beats to beatstars without the producers having to give them their beatstars account password. This would allow the beatmaker to save time and not have to spend all the time uploading the beats himself. Thank you for this space and you are doing a very good job in the community.

  • Admin
    Lee Owen
    Apr 24, 2024

    Thank you for reaching out with your suggestion & request. We appreciate you for helping us to improve our platform and its features.

    We have plans to introduce the ability to allow multiple team members to access accounts with different roles and permissions.

    Please keep a regular eye out for updates and improvement notices.

  • Ayé Dob
    Mar 1, 2023
    I think this would be "sub-account", "team", or "members" access. Something to allow others to participate with limited access. I like this as well. An issue they will face to implement this is allowing users that have their own account access to others. Solutions include but not limited to allowing emails to be associated with multiple accounts, having shared players between account holders, having accounts be allowed to link with a lead member that can post to all accounts similar to how Bandcamp implements linked artists pages, or having a label profile with additional members features similar to Bandcamp.