It would be much more efficient if emails gathered were separated based on product type. Selling Drumkits to producers vs beats to artists. If all purchases are in the same email list, this creates a clear issue. I’m currently facing this problem ...
Dark Mode for the BeatStars Studio App for the iPhone iOS
Dark mode saves battery life because darker pixels require less power to display on screens, especially on OLED displays. It also reduces eye strain in low-light environments, making it more user-friendly.
Cal Rodriguez
about 2 months ago
in General Request
I would like to share directly to Instagram stories.
Similar to Spotify, SoundCloud and YouTube Music, how you can share to Instagram stories from the platform and gives Instagram users a window to click straight to the content.
I feel like many of the top voted ideas here posted are amazing, but i never have seen anything get implemented before. many ideas seem like no brainers to add you would think. I'm, genuinly wondering about this.
It would be great if when someone buys/downloads a drumkit vs a soundkit, a different tag would be delivered to AWeber (since one of them is a rapper while the other is a beatmaker). It is necessary to fully automate campaigns on AWeber
I am getting so annoyed when I want to change the format of my tracks naming and have to scroll every time to the bottom of my beats to edit the new track. Come on, why I can't just scroll down one time and be able to open the track editing page i...
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