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BeatStars Studio

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YouTube content ID and Revenue

Does BeatStars Collect revenue / monetized your tracks from YouTube. I f not I think this would be a great deal because TuneCore does this and if beatstars doesn’t then I’ll just continue distributing with TuneCore. Also TuneCore helps to get you ...
Sa-J Quallo over 2 years ago in BeatStars Studio 1 Planned

Provide accomplished producers with Google Knowledge Panels

Being recognized as a producer outside of our community can be difficult, especially when it comes to people around you taking your work seriously. If Beatstars could provide producers with a knowledge panel when they hit a certain follower count ...
Nathanael Barnes over 2 years ago in BeatStars Studio 1 Will not implement

Pete Alvidrez

a beat competition where know knows who made the beat till the end of the beat battle and only beatstars members can vote
Petey Pistolas over 2 years ago in BeatStars Studio 1

Interactive feature for artist and producers

I would love to see BeatStars adopt a feature that allows artist to make reels off of producers beats on the platform that chose to participate. Sort of how the app “Voisey” does it. (They are currently shutting down, so that lane is open) I belie...
Christopher Chen over 2 years ago in BeatStars Studio 1 Planned

Collab Daw

I’d like to one day see beatstars have its own DAW within the Studio Platform so that people can collab and create without leaving beatstars.
Devon Greenbaum over 2 years ago in BeatStars Studio 1

Upload file formats

When beats are tracked out they typically automatically render the master wav with the stems. Since those are already included in trackouts, it’s become more of a hassle to make it it’s own separate upload requirement in a trackout license.
Brandon Underwood over 2 years ago in BeatStars Studio 1 Planned

New Studio Section for Tracks Does Not Allow Decimal in BPM (Integer Only Data Validation)

The BPM portion of the new Beatstars studio tracks section has a data validation that only allows integers. Please update this to allow decimal numbers so that we may enter decimals in the BPM. I include the full bpm in all of my song file names b...
David Marshall over 2 years ago in BeatStars Studio 1 Planned

Auto Beat Repost Button on Mobile & PC

Hey fam! Im really missing a button on mobile app and on pc that we can repost all our beats into our feed instead of always clicking of 100´s of beats click on undo and repost. It´s a must have feature we need! Also would help us to engage more w...
Maximilian Wieser 8 months ago in BeatStars Studio 1