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BeatStars Marketplace

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Blacklist / Blocklist for purchases and report function

Sooner or later you will run into people who buy your beats and dispute the payment on stripe or PayPal after downloading the beat. As Beatstars itself does not handle the payment process and we are left to the mercy of the other platforms it woul...
Liam Bitterroff over 2 years ago in BeatStars Marketplace 1

Notifications when beats are removed from playlists

I make Playlists to organize beats I plan to buy/lease/write to in the future. sometimes when you open up a playlist, beats are missing most likely due to someone purchasing exclusive rights or the creator choosing to remove it. it would be nice ...
Deonte' Wilson over 2 years ago in BeatStars Marketplace 1

License colors

Dear BeatStars, I would like to see a feature where I am able to change the color of each lease on my website, not just the featured lease. It’s part of my branding. I would really appreciate this to be available, it should be a simple task to add...
Fifty7 Beats over 2 years ago in BeatStars Marketplace 1

GetRespone Email Integration

It would really be great to be able to connect GetResponse to the BeatStars email marketing integrations. It is a great email marketing site, and I have a lot of automations set up there, but no way to directly link signups through BeatStars to my...
Quietfire Beats over 2 years ago in BeatStars Marketplace 1 Planned

Drumline Music

I sell drumline music to schools and i would like to be able to put on this website along with sheet music to preview but blurr it out before purchase. I like how this website is ran and it will bring a new idea to others who write music also to g...
Mookie over 2 years ago in BeatStars Marketplace 1

Explanation in the licenses and exclusive

Add a little explanation in the licenses about each category and about the exclusive. Most artists and producers don't understand what each license category means.
Dmitry Levteev over 2 years ago in BeatStars Marketplace 1

Loyalty/Window Shoppers' Rewards

Imagine if artists could get discounts on your beats based on the amount of plays they've given you. This encourages artists to shop on BeatStars. Producers, this encourages your clients to give you more plays! And for artists who have been window...
Mark Whitman over 2 years ago in BeatStars Marketplace 1

El Magnifico Beats

Hello beatstarts I saw your post about suggesting new options give the producers beatmakers advance money for their future releases so they can have more of budget up front for production and marketing and the advance based on past streaming royal...
CHAKIL AYMANE over 2 years ago in BeatStars Marketplace 1 Will not implement

Tracks loading

when uploading my beats (track stems, tagged beat, untagged beat) please dont put the loading tracks on the left side since it blocks alot of the editing.
Douwe Hannink over 2 years ago in BeatStars Marketplace 1 Planned

See Recent Uploads

When on the activity feed, I would really appreciate if I could filter just the released projects so I can see the latest releases of the people I follow And not there re-post as an option It would also be pretty grand if I could then have it all ...
Steven Code over 2 years ago in BeatStars Marketplace 1